Welcome to WordPress Automatic cron job, current system time is:1739425857...

Info: No running cron job found, starting now...Plugin started performance report before running the script: 94.66MB of ram and DB queries count:16

DB contains (2) campaigns
Processing Campaign { 52454 }
Campaign scheduled to process every 1 minutes & last processing was 3 minutes ago <-- Campaign passed the update interval and is eligible to be processed, let's process it...
Rotating feeds Enabled
Last feed: https://www.google.com.vn/alerts/feeds/05133686596551837808/4378195230152588767
Should get content from feeds
Processing 8 Feeds for this campaign

Processing Feed:
Time taken to load the feed from the source:5.705
HTTP code: 200
Feed was freshly loaded from the source
Final feed URL: https://www.google.com.vn/alerts/feeds/05133686596551837808/16346105006055607884
Feed contains 11 posts
First url in the feed:https://hanoionline.vn/video/giang-son-tat-tay-voi-liveshow-ki-niem-40-nam-su-nghiep-302392.htm
This link was the same as the last time we did not find new links so ... skipping till new posts get added Forget this fact Now.

Processing Feed:
Time taken to load the feed from the source:0.928
403 error: This page maybe protected by cloudflare, Check THIS TUTURIAL on how to import from this site

Processing Feed:
Time taken to load the feed from the source:0.681
HTTP code: 200
Feed was freshly loaded from the source
Final feed URL: https://www.google.com.vn/alerts/feeds/05133686596551837808/4378195230152587332
Feed contains 13 posts
First url in the feed:https://minhtuanmobile.com/tin-tuc/apple-tang-qua-nguoi-dung-android/
This link was the same as the last time we did not find new links so ... skipping till new posts get added Forget this fact Now.

Processing Feed:
Time taken to load the feed from the source:0.657
HTTP code: 200
Feed was freshly loaded from the source
Final feed URL: https://www.google.com.vn/alerts/feeds/05133686596551837808/2618408285713304438
Feed contains 2 posts
First url in the feed:https://www.baocalitoday.com/hoa-ky/dang-cong-hoa-maga-muon-trump-hoc-theo-andrew-jackson.html
This link was the same as the last time we did not find new links so ... skipping till new posts get added Forget this fact Now.

Processing Feed:
Time taken to load the feed from the source:18.416
Error:WP HTTP Error: A valid URL was not provided.

Processing Feed:
Time taken to load the feed from the source:0.730
HTTP code: 200
Feed was freshly loaded from the source
Final feed URL: https://www.google.com.vn/alerts/feeds/05133686596551837808/12939037269147936488
Feed contains 4 posts
First url in the feed:https://minhtuanmobile.com/tin-tuc/qua-phu-kien-di-co-doi-cho-valentine-2025-day-tinh-cam/
This link was the same as the last time we did not find new links so ... skipping till new posts get added Forget this fact Now.

Processing Feed:
Time taken to load the feed from the source:0.744
HTTP code: 200
Feed was freshly loaded from the source
Final feed URL: https://www.google.com.vn/alerts/feeds/05133686596551837808/1216326692928881050
Feed contains 20 posts
First url in the feed:https://danviet.vn/nghi-dinh-168-duoc-tuyen-truyen-qua-loa-phat-thanh-nhung-nhieu-nguoi-dan-o-da-lat-van-vi-pham-20250213095522073.htm
This link was the same as the last time we did not find new links so ... skipping till new posts get added Forget this fact Now.

Processing Feed:
Time taken to load the feed from the source:0.724
HTTP code: 200
Feed was freshly loaded from the source
Final feed URL: https://www.google.com.vn/alerts/feeds/05133686596551837808/4378195230152588767
Feed contains 20 posts
First url in the feed:https://tuoitre.vn/trien-lam-quoc-te-may-nong-nghiep-lan-dau-to-chuc-tai-viet-nam-20250212205954021.htm
This link was the same as the last time we did not find new links so ... skipping till new posts get added Forget this fact Now.
Processed 1 campaigns and reached max campaigns per cron. Exit cron now and complete next cron.
Plugin completed running.. peak ram used was: 99.69 MB, current:98.69, DB queries count:83, Time used: 31.999449968338 seconds